Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm not sure when Collin grew up.....but all of a sudden, he was in need of senior pictures. Even though he is the same age as my youngest daughter, for some reason, it's hard to believe how much someone has grown up when you don't see them every day. Time flies is such a true statement. Before you know it, your last one (in my case) or first one (in Lisa's case) is graduating. I'm not sure which one of those situations is harder! Thanks for letting me do these Collin. I know guys your age really aren't into this kind of thing!

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About Me

What you see is pretty much what you get. I'm a pretty simple person that finds a lot of joy in the simple things in life, like family, music, laughter and sunny days. Nothing needs to be complicated. Focus on the good, laugh off the bad, and surround yourself with the people that make you happy.