Friday, November 27, 2009

After a LONG time of neglecting my blog, I've decided I need to get on the ball and get back to it!

What a great family I had the pleasure of spending time with. After having to postpone our shoot due to some really gloomy weather, we were able to finally get together and get some pictures done. What a beautiful day it turned out to be and what a beautiful family to be shooting on this gorgeous day. Parker and Garrett were so sweet and by looking at the pictures, you'd never know that they were nearly getting eaten alive by mosqitoes!! Thank ya'll for trusting in me to capture your family moments!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kaleigh was up for anything during her Sr. Shoot and we tried to cover as many places as we could think of before the sun went down. Kaleigh and my daughter Brandi are a couple of 'rascals' (ask Kaleigh) and we had a good time shooting Kaleighs pictures all over town. Congratulations on graduating High School Kaleigh!! I'm proud of you and hope you don't run off TOO far to college! We'll miss you!!

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sara and Brent...what can I say, other than these two exude Love and Happiness. When you are aound them, you can honestly 'feel the love' and it gives you a great feeling just to be around a couple that seems literally made in heaven. I don't think either one of them cared if another person was at their wedding, other than each other. I loved every minute of shooting their wedding, and sharing in their joy. I wish y'all the same happiness you felt on that day...for the rest of your lives.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I had a lot of fun with Allisia. She is an aspiring model/actress and wanted some pictures that showed her personality. She was really relaxed and made it easy to get great shots. It was a different type of shoot than I have done in the past, but we had a great time doing these. Here are a few of what we did and Thanks Allisia...I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Konleigh...what a little angel. She is such a sweet baby and seemed ready for whatever we wanted her to do! As you can see, Momma already had the pink polish out and it just looked adorable on those tiny little toes. It's very special to me to be able to spend a little bit of time with these innocent little angels and Thank you Tara, for sharing your preicous baby with me!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I met the cutest little family last weekend and had such a good time doing their pictures. The little ones were absolutely adorable and the parents were so sweet and fun to work with. I could have taken pictures of those little angels all day. Here are a few of the shots we got.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm not sure when Collin grew up.....but all of a sudden, he was in need of senior pictures. Even though he is the same age as my youngest daughter, for some reason, it's hard to believe how much someone has grown up when you don't see them every day. Time flies is such a true statement. Before you know it, your last one (in my case) or first one (in Lisa's case) is graduating. I'm not sure which one of those situations is harder! Thanks for letting me do these Collin. I know guys your age really aren't into this kind of thing!

About Me

What you see is pretty much what you get. I'm a pretty simple person that finds a lot of joy in the simple things in life, like family, music, laughter and sunny days. Nothing needs to be complicated. Focus on the good, laugh off the bad, and surround yourself with the people that make you happy.